The information marketing business and honest internet business opportunities - like a marriage go "hand in glove."
The human race has travelled in time passed the Ice Age, Stone Age, Industrial Age and now we are sitting squarely in the information age. In this age the information business today is already a multi-trillion dollar industry.
This all comes around by providing people with a solution to a problem or show them what to do in the format of an information product. This is why selling this type of product becomes straight forward.
Internet Business Opportunities are even more enhanced when you can sell this information in certain formats (article, video, audio) and have this automatically sent to the customer. Making money on the internet then becomes a continuous profit making system and that's why the phase "make money while you sleep" is used.
Again you can write ebooks, pod casts, screen capture videos, audio recordings/interviews and short online reports....all on the internet.
So the best thing to do is find out what you are good at. If you like writing then articles or ebooks may be for you. If you don't care for writing then make an audio or video. It is finding the right format for you and making sure you communicate this effectively to your customers.
It only takes one information product in this information business and you could be making more than your full time job. So why not look for some ethical internet business opportunities that will meet your financial goals.